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About me

My story… So far!
Born 28th august of 1979, I am a mother of 3 kids,  a Nature lover, a runner, creative entrepreuner… an explorer! who started her journey as civil engineer to later find in sustainability, systems innovation and personal development the missing pieces of my puzzle to be able to design and promote solutions that contribute to shape a better future.

I live in Madrid and I work in the intersection of consulting, education and coaching giving people who care – YOU!- the tools they need to develop a greater Vision, Undesrtanding Creativity and emotional Agility that allows us to thrive  and drive positive change. 

My life´s manifesto

I believe the world will be a better place if everyone embraced simplicity and spirituality. I will model simplicity in my lifestyle, letting go is superficial stuff and behaviours.

I will model spirituality, by being connected to my inner joy and peace and bringing it to others so they fell compelled to cultivate theirs.

My life´s rules to get better

Always make your future bigger than your past.
Always make your learning greater than your experience.
Always make your contribution bigger than your reward.
Always make your performance greater than your applause.
Always make your gratitude greater than your success.
Always make your enjoyment greater than your effort.
Always make your cooperation greater than your status.
Always make your confidence greater than your comfort.
Always make your purpose greater than your money.

My background & professional experience

I started my professional career in 2006 working on the field I have been trained for: civil engineering and strategic planning. For more 10 years, I worked as urban mobility and road safety expert. I started my professional career in 2006 working on the field I have been trained for: civil engineering. For more 10 years, I worked as project manager, road safety consultant and sustainable cities expert. 

During the last stage of my career there, I encountered systems innovation while developing sustainable mobility programs for school. It was then when I discovered the huge impact  of mindsets and climate awereness to change the systems no longer function, like the mobility systems. It became clear to me that ‘traditional’ , up-bottom solutions no longer worked to address complex challenges loke those we are facing. I felt compelled to learn more about systems thinking, climate innovation and personal growth. I wanted to understand how we  humans change so to be able to meet people where they are and support them to be part of the solution.

And I started with me- innovating my systems.

So 2017 I decided to disrupt myself and build my own path as consultant & coach. And  I stepped into EIT’s Pioneers into Practice Professional Program. This was the experience I needed back then to boost not only my knowledge and skills, but to unlock my talent to connect the dots and build those around me.

Since then, MY WHY IS SHAPE A MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE WHERE WE ALL THRIVE building the capacity of young people, entrepreuners, innovation teams and positive impact organisations.

Curious to know what we can do together?